New Year’s resolutions

New Year’s resolutions

What does a New Year’s resolution involve?

A New Year’s resolution is a tradition that usually involves a person making a promise to start doing something positive or refrain from doing something negative. The idea of making resolutions for the New Year is not just a modern invention. The Ancient Babylonians are said to have made resolutions for the New Year over 4,000 years ago! 

What are the most popular resolutions?

A New Year's resolution is a personal choice, so there are no set rules or guidelines. It is entirely up to you! A survey conducted in the UK found that exercising more is the number one resolution this year. Approximately 50% of the respondents making resolutions are promising to exercise more! This was closely followed by saving money and eating healthier. Other respondents stated they were going to do more to help the environment, spend less time on social media, and spend more time with family.

Why make a New Year’s resolution?

Is there any point in making a New Year's resolution? Many people refrain from making a resolution as they see it as pointless, or they may have failed at sticking to one in the past. There is some psychological research backing up the tradition though! Katy Milkman, a psychology professor, states that our brain likes to organise our memories into different "chapters". A New Year can be seen as a new chapter where we start with a clean slate. It can help you leave former failures in the past and begin with a fresh start. A YouGov study found that 35% of people stuck to their resolutions, while 50% adhered to part of theirs! A little progress is better than no progress at all!

How to make a New Year’s resolution

There are some steps you can take that can help make your resolution more successful. Using positive language can have a beneficial psychological impact. Instead of saying "I will stop eating junk food", you could say "I will start eating healthier". It can help frame the promise in a positive light as you are not "quitting" anything.

Keeping it simple is another helpful tip. Don't write out a long, complex list of goals, as this is most likely unrealistic. Stick to one or two simple and achievable goals. Don't give up entirely if you make a small slip-up. Try to think in the long term. If you stay consistent, you will see results. Skipping a workout now and again is not the end of the world if you are consistent most of the time! Life is all about balance. We need time to relax and have fun too!

Get the family involved

Getting the family involved is a great idea. It can help you stay motivated to stick to your goals. You can turn the resolution into a fun activity for the family. Going for a weekly family hike is a great way to increase your activity levels and can be a chance for quality bonding time. You can serve as a role model for your children. They are more likely to follow a healthy lifestyle if they can follow your lead. Eating healthier can also be a family decision for the New Year. You can get the kids to help you with preparing and cooking healthy meals! Therefore, the whole family will benefit!


New Year’s resolutions are a tradition that date back thousands of years. Popular resolutions include eating healthier, exercising regularly, and saving money. There are positive psychological benefits to making a promise at the turn of a new year. It can be seen as a fresh start or new beginning. There are various tips you can follow to help make your resolutions more successful, such as keeping it simple and using positive language. Getting the kids involved is a great idea. It will set them up with healthy habits and can involve fun family activities.


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