Huku Blog

Did you know that balance boards are amazing tools for building a stronger core?When you engage with a Huku board to maintain balance, you instinctively activate your core stabiliser muscles, including: Abdominals: The rectus abdominis, commonly known as the six-pack...
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Achieving balance in our lives requires attention to three key areas: diet, stress management, and exercise. Each of these components is crucial to our overall health and wellbeing.
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As you age, your ability to balance naturally declines, as much as 75 percent between the ages of 25 and 75, unless you actively work on it. This can lead to falls and other health issues. However, health experts have found that a simple 10 second balance test can predict susceptibility to falls and with early intervention through exercise you can achieve better health.
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Recovery from exercise is crucial as this is where the adaptations and improvements occur. Enhancing the recovery process will help you maintain optimal performance in your next workout.
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The recovery process begins at the end of a bout of exercise. This process lasts until the person has returned to a fully recovered state. The recovery period depends on factors such as current fitness levels, age, and the intensity of the exercise.
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