Building Balance Matters: Try this 15 Minute Balance Board Workout
Balance is a skill we gain early in life and lose over time, particularly from the age of 45 onwards. Balance is not something you are born with, it is something you build. And if you’re not already doing it, then it is advisable to start incorporating balance exercise into your fitness routine, with, for example, the simple 15-minute balance board exercise plan for beginners as outlined here.
Balance is Essential for Good Health
Balance is something most of us take for granted, but it is a vital aspect of our daily lives. Our ability to maintain balance is critical in activities such as walking, running, and even standing still. Balance is also essential for maintaining good posture and preventing falls, which can lead to serious injuries. According to studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls among adults 65 and over are a major cause of injury and death.
Ways to Test Your Balance
Testing your balance is a simple process that can be done anywhere. One easy test is to stand on one leg for 30 seconds. If this is too easy, try closing your eyes or standing on a pillow to make it more challenging. You can also try walking heel to toe in a straight line or using a Huku Balance Board, which is a great way to improve your balance while having fun.
The Benefits of Balance Exercises
Regular balance exercises can improve your overall health and wellbeing. A study published in the Journal of Sports Rehabilitation found that balance training can improve athletic performance and reduce the risk of sports-related injuries. Incorporating an element of balance training into your daily routine can be as simple as standing on one leg when you brush your teeth.
How Balance Boards Can Help
But if you are ready to take your balance training further, a balance board will supercharge your balance and coordination. Huku Balance offers a range of balance boards that are suitable for all ages and fitness levels, so before you begin, find out which board is the right board for you. Our boards are designed to be fun, but simultaneously provide a challenging workout. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, our balance boards can help you improve your balance and overall performance and wellbeing.
Simple 15-Minute Balance Board Exercise Plan for beginners
Start by standing on the balance board with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Look ahead at a fixed point and keep your back straight. Try to maintain your balance for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise for a total of 2 minutes.
Stand on the balance board with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Slowly lower yourself into a squatting position, keeping your back straight and your knees behind your toes. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly rise back up to standing. Repeat this exercise for a total of 3 minutes.
- Rotations (4 minutes)
Stand on the balance board with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Reach your arms out in front of you at shoulder height. Bring your hands together palm to palm keeping your arms at shoulder height. Without moving your feet, and keeping your arms at shoulder height and palms together, rotate gently to the left. Now return your arms to the center. Rotate gently right. Always keep your arms stretched out at shoulder height and palms together. Repeat this exercise for a total of 4 minutes.
- Side-to-Side Balance (3 minutes)
Stand on the balance board with your feet shoulder-width apart. Shift your weight to one side of the board, then slowly shift your weight to the other side. Repeat this exercise for a total of 3 minutes.
- Cool-down stretch (3 minutes)
Kneel in front of your balance board so that the narrow end is in front of you. Stretch out your arms and place your hands palm down on the board. Carefully allow the board to roll your hands away from you so that you are drawing closer to the floor. When you are at your stretch limit, draw yourself up, allowing the board to roll back towards you. Repeat this 10 times, breathing naturally as you enjoy the stretch.
For more inspiration follow our brand ambassador Anthony Clavin on Wild Way Corefit and on Huku’s stories.
Testing your balance is a simple way to improve your health and wellbeing. Regular balance exercises can help you to maintain and build balance. At Huku Balance, we believe that balance is the key to a healthy and active lifestyle. When we feel balanced, we are better equipped to handle life's challenges and to approach them with a clear and focused mind. When we build our capacity for phyisical balance, we enhance our overall fitness and the ability to perform basic balance tests has been tied to longevity. So why not take the first step towards better balance today?